We finally got that big snow Ayla has been wanting. She’s been telling us —over and over again— all about the snow angels she wants to make, and the sledding we’re going to do, and the snow man we’re going to build, but until now we really haven’t had a good snow.

She even helped me shovel for a full 11 seconds. She was super enthusiastic about it until she actually tried lifting a shovel full of snow. Hey at least she tried.

Ayla talks about sledding like she’s an old pro, but she’s never been sledding and so I wanted to start small. I shoveled a bunch of snow into a mound in the front yard and carved out a little sledding hill. It worked, and proved to be more than enough for Ayla’s first experience. Maybe next year we’ll go to a real sledding hill.

We had some fun and it was nice to get outside for a while.